Saturday 19 March 2016

Week 4

This week we learn on the concept of client server (Client Side Script & Server Side Script) & Internet Application. Below are the things we have to take note:

There are two parts of scripting languages:
i.   Client-side scripts (css): interpreter by browser
  • eg. JavaScript, Jscript, VBScript
  • Browser dependence
ii.  Server-side scripts (sss): interpreter by web server
  •  e.g. PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, CGI
  • Browser independence

 There are four layers for Architecture for Internet Application:
  • internet application
  • networked application support
  • transport protocol
  • network transmission/ communication

Client Tier vs Middle Tier vs Information Tier

i.   information tier is basically maintains data for application and stores data in database system
ii.  middle tier implements business logic and presentation logic, act as intermediate between      information tier and application clients.
iii. client tier is an application's user interface and display data to user.

Form, Process and Database are the main parts for an application.
  • Form can be seen on browser and to be filled by users
  • Process is invisible to user, consists many possible language, used to compute transactions
  • Database is not intended to view by the users, consists compatibility issues, form is used to manipulate data

For the lab session

We had our first quiz and done it via online learning.  There are 30 multiple choices questions. I did review back on the questions i got it wrong after i done the quiz.

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